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An Insight Into Disaster, Survival

For many years, people have had to deal with various catastrophes. Some such as contagious diseases outbreaks have been devastating and threatened the very existence of the human race as we know it.  Disaster, survival techniques have proven to be of valuable use in such situations as a way of ensuring the human beings do not become extinct.

What are the disasters that we have faced over the years?

From ancient times the causes of catastrophes have been attributed to human and natural factors. A war in the olden days was a major disaster, especially to the losing party. A massive number of fatalities and destruction of towns characterize the loser's battlefront. In the present day, war is still threatening to bring the world to its knees. Nuclear technology is now in use in the manufacture of warheads which cause a lot of destruction.

Natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions have also threatened human existence for many years. Flash floods wreck a lot of havoc carrying buildings and any living animal that they meet along their path of destruction. As a result of climatic changes, hunger has proven to be a constant threat to the human population. Rapid population increase coupled with occurrences of drought and famine has many times left people with nothing to eat.

How to avoid disasters attributed to human-related activities

Poor environmental management is a significant cause of disasters such as famine. People have encroached on water catchment areas and cut down trees interfering with the rain patterns. The result has been long periods without rain that is necessary for the growth of vegetation that is food for animals. 

We should conserve our environment by conducting reafforestation programs. Nations with age-old rivalry should find an amicable way of solving their disputes without going to war. War is a dangerous form of conflict resolution.

How to prepare for natural disasters before they occur


Elements of nature are not within our control. The only way to ensure we survive when such disasters strike is planning. A tragedy such as famine can be averted if, during bumper harvests, sufficient food reserves safely secured in silos for future use. Replenishment of the food reserves should be a constant process to ensure adequate storage is always in place. The growing of drought-resistant crops is encouraged in areas that have experienced famine over the years.

How to react when faced with a disaster

Most disasters such as hurricanes happen unexpectedly. Advancements in weather research have made it possible for such catastrophes to be detected a few hours or even days before they occur. An alert will signal citizens to vacate the areas where such phenomena are likely to occur. It is critical that you heed to the warnings and move to safer areas. Do not take chances and wait to see what will happen. A delay in evacuation can cost your life.

If you find yourself in danger of a such a storm, take cover to avoid being hit and injured by objects being blown away by violent winds. Basements are ideal areas to seek refuge in such situations. Safety gear such as a helmet can prove to be a lifesaver if debris hits you. As a way of facilitating personal safety always have a well-equipped first aid kit on ready.

Educate yourself on safety procedures 

When disaster strikes such, the events can leave you in shock and a state of panic. For most people it may seem like the world is coming to an end. With the right training, you should be able to handle almost any kind of disaster. The government usually provides free disaster guide manuals and frequent practice drills to citizens on how they should react in such situations. 

Moving on after a disaster is the best way of ensuring life goes on even after the worst of catastrophes. If you feel mentally disturbed, consider attending counseling sessions that will assist you to cope with the issue. For us to survive, we must understand fully on how disasters happen and what we can do to a avert them. Our intelligence as human beings is sufficient enough to guide and restore our chances of survival even after experiencing the worst of disasters.

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